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class="job_listing-template-default single single-job_listing postid-3140 woocommerce-no-js my-listing single-listing type-buy cover-style-image elementor-default elementor-kit-2768">
Level of Implementation in HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberclosis program

Country/National Level

Area of implementation intervention

HIV and AIDS, Tuberculosis

Title and scope of the project being implemented( including time frame )

• HDAI is currently round-up implementing the Global Fund Resilient Sustainability System for Health and Covid-19 Response Mechanism Project (RSSH/C19RM ) with National Agency for the Control Aids (NACA) as the principles recipient, the project coordinated by ATM CSOs Network of People Living with HIV in Nigeria (NEPWHAN)

• HDAI is currently implementing the Global Fund funded by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) coordinated by Civil Society in Malaria Control, Immunization and Nutrition (ACOMIN) Community Monitoring Teams (CLMTs) on Malaria accountability in Kura and Rano from 2021-2023

• HDAI is currently implementing the USAID/KNCV Tuberculosis Local Organization Network (TB LON project Region 1 & 2) Civil Society for the Eradication of Tuberculosis in Nigeria (TB NETWORK) in Gwale and Kano Municipal LGAs in Kano state from 2020 to date.

• Currently, HDAI is implementing the KNCV/GF TB Contact Tracing/Case Finding project in Gwale, Kabo, and Gwarzo LGAs from January 2019 to the present.
• Additionally, HDAI is implementing the Nigeria AIDS Indicator and Impact Survey (NAIIS) project, providing referrals, linkage to care for HIV-positive individuals, and capacity-building services in 22 LGAs across Kano State since 2018.
• Between February 2015 and December 2017, the organization implemented the GF NFM Tuberculosis Active Case Finding (ACF) in 10 slums within the Kano Municipal Local Government Area. A total of 4,115 presumptive TB patients were identified, and their sputum samples were collected and transported to microscopy/Gene-Xpert centers for diagnosis. Out of these, 487 were confirmed smear-positive, resulting in a total case notification of 804 for the LGA, with an achievement of 60.8%.
• From January 2015 to 2017, HDAI implemented the GF NFM HIV Community System Strengthening (CSS) project in Tofa LGA, Kano State. The organization exceeded its target, increasing PMTCT service uptake among pregnant women and the general population from 100% to 113%.
• Between November 2012 and December 2013, HDAI followed up with 12 DRTB patients and completed the ambulatory phase of treatment as part of the Global Fund Project on Community MDR-TB Care for Ambulatory Patients in Kano State.
• HDAI trained (mentored organizations) for CBOs in Kaduna (DRC) and Katsina (Murna Foundation). Funded by KNCV, this project aimed to increase TB case detection in the three involved states, all of which met their assigned targets.
• HDAI implemented the Global Fund Community TB Care (CTBC) in 10 LGAs of Kano State from 2011 to 2013, focusing on community mobilization to increase TB case detection.
• Under the GF HSS project, HDAI served as a training organization and trained CSOs providing TB services in the seven North-Western states for Action AID as the Sub-Recipient (SR) in 2012.
• HDAI is a permanent member of the Kano State TB/HIV Technical Working Group and partners with the State TBLCP to conduct community mobilization for increased TB service utilization in various communities across Kabo, Bagwai, Shanono, and G/Malam LGAs in Kano State.
• As the Lead NGO for Action AID's project in 2012, HDAI conducted capacity-building training for 20 CSOs from the North-West zone on AIDS prevention.
• Community Education, Empowerment, and Sustainability: HDAI initiated a project to promote education, empower local communities, and ensure project sustainability.

Does the organisation currently receive any technical support from a technical support provider ? Have you received technical support in the past?


Geographical scope of your organisation's technical support

Community Level