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Level of Implementation in HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberclosis program

Regional Level, Country/National Level, Community level

Area of implementation intervention


Title and scope of the project being implemented( including time frame )

Title: Review of the old Standards for Adolescents Friendly Reproductive Health and Services (2005) to the draft of new National Adolescents Health and Development Strategy (ADHD) 2018-2022

Scope: Hope Centre Tanzania managed to compile views, ideas, recommendations to the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC) and other stakeholders for consideration during the development of updated/ review the draft of new National Adolescents Health and Development Strategy (ADHD) 2018-2022. Experience from the previous strategy development indicates a very minimal involvement of adolescent and youth due to government financial constraints and young people not been aware of the meetings and engagement of the strategy. The project was conducted from April to May 2018.
The team visited 8 Community Based Organizations (CBO’s) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) in Dar es Salaam and Morogoro (4 in each Region) with the aim of introducing our agenda and collecting views, ideas, and recommendations that are vital in the process of developing the new ADHD strategy. It was unfortunate that adolescent and youth were not aware of the former Standards for Adolescent Friendly Reproductive Health Services which was published in 2005. Further, they had no idea of the plans to develop ADHD strategy that will also serve for five years. The team took time to enlighten adolescent and youth about the above documents and the importance of their involvement especially in the making of the upcoming ADHD strategy.
Outcome achieved from this project is adolescent’s involvement in the development of the strategy by sharing their voices, ideas, views, and recommendations. The compiled comments/views were shared to Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC) and other stakeholders to know what should be included in the upcoming ADHD strategy.


Scope: Hope Centre Tanzania has managed to mobilize and strengthen more than 35 Adolescents Girls and Young Women (AGYW’s) coalitions towards policy advocacy on effective and inclusive implementations of AGYW related Global Fund interventions. As the Advocacy organization we thought that AGYWs have a vital role to play in driving and shaping the HIV response and this coalition will help the AGYWs to achieve that. AGWYs experiences and needs must be central to policymaking, program design and implementation of any Global Fund interventions. This project was conducted from July to August 2018.
Furthermore the team managed to organize a workshop and learning meeting for adolescent’s girls and young women on understanding the global fund process, the mandate and functionality of Tanzania National Committee Meeting (TNCM) and how this links to Tanzania AIDS Commission processes and TACAIDS.
Hope Centre Tanzania team had consulted and mobilize different AGYWs to formulate the coalition which will be amplified AGWYs voices in the Global Fund (GF) country interventions. The team managed to have a WhatsApp group for the AGYWs to share different issues concerning GF, HIV and AIDS in Tanzania.
The outcome achieved by this project is AGYW’s were able to discuss and share their views on the HIV situation and how AGYWs can be part of the movement to reduce the new HIV infections in Tanzania.

Does the organisation currently receive any technical support from a technical support provider ? Have you received technical support in the past?


Geographical scope of your organisation's technical support

Community Level, National Level, Regional Level