Name of the organization
Shine Africa Foundation (SAF)_Teso
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Regional Level
HIV and AIDS, Malaria, SRHR
TASO HIV/AIDS Project. The TASO-funded Project 2018/2020 entitled; accelerating HIV epidemic control in Soroti project contributed to the 95% 95% 95% by 2020 aimed at achieving the Global and National targets of UNAIDS 95%-95%-95% through Biomedical, Behavioural and Structural Prevention strategies. This project aims at scaling-up voluntary HIV prevention interventions within communities and to ensure that 95% of people living with HIV know their status; 95% of those diagnosed with HIV receive ART, and 95% of those receiving ART have virally suppressed. The project activities were implemented by SAF Teso, together with health facility teams and community Para social workers of Kichinjaji (HC) III, Asuret (HC) III, Tubur (HC) and Soroti (HC) III as key partners.This project’s target was to achieve universal access targets for HIV/AIDS prevention, care, treatment, social support and protection by 2018/2020
Uganda Cares Project.
With Funding from Uganda Cares ,SAF-TESO implemented the strategic interventions that contributed to the attainment of 95-95-95 UNAIDS targets by September 2022.SAF-TESO implemented the HIV/TB Prevention activities in Soroti and Serere Districts in 11 Health Facilities namely Serere Health Center IV, Asuret HC III, Aarapoo Health Centre III, Oburin Health Centre HC III and Kagwara Health Centre III in Serere District, Kichinjaji Health Centre III, Tubur Health Centre III, Tiriri Health Centre III, Soroti Regional referral hospital and Uganda cares in Soroti District.
APPROACHES USED: The project was jointly implemented with close collaboration and participation with the health facility team and community Para- social workers as key partners and there were tremendous achievements recorded during the implementation of this project
SAF Teso has continued to provide support to the public health facilities in the areas of routine targeted mobilization of individuals for HIV testing and counseling through APN, index client testing, ,outreach for key populations , conducting follow-ups of missed appointment and lost to follow clients , missed appointments of clients, pregnant and lactating mother, follow clients with non -suppressed viral load for intensive adherence counseling ,follow-up of presumed TB clients , TB contact tracing and screening for TB, follow-up of GBV survivors, referral and linkage, screening for GBV and screening for STIs. Capacity building of 25 youth leaders in HIV/TB Prevention was conducted, the training covered major topics in Behavior change communication, reduction of stigma amongst people living with HIV , HIV/TB prevention and spread ,referral systems , counseling and psychosocial support ,approaches of retention, Gender based violence ,condom distribution and availability of services for example: Prep, PEP, self -testing, family planning .the peers shared their views and challenges faced in HIV/TB project implementation.
A total of 415 individuals were mobilized and tested for HIV, 429 individuals who missed appointment and lost to follow were followed and brought back to care in the supported health facilities of kichinjaji HC III, Asuret HC III and Tubur HC III,90 clients with non-suppressed viral loads were followed and provided intensive adherence counseling during home visits and 31 suppressed during the reporting period.142 clients due for viral load bleeding were followed and bleed.159 Key populations were provided intensive adherence counseling of which 138 were initiated on Prep.
Community Level